What Things Really Exist? Exploring the Nature of Creation


Introduction: Understanding God’s Creation

In many religious discussions, we often hear that **God is the Creator**. This idea sounds straightforward, but what does it truly mean for God to create the world? In this article, we will explore the deeper concept of **creation** and attempt to answer the question: What things really exist? By understanding the nature of creation and what exists outside of God, we can grasp a clearer picture of reality, both physical and abstract.

The Doctrine of Creation

At the heart of creation is the belief that **God is the source of all reality outside of Himself**. This idea suggests that apart from God, everything else has been brought into existence by Him. But what exactly does “everything else” include? First, it involves **all physical and concrete objects**—everything we can observe and interact with in the universe. This includes the planets, stars, living creatures, and even the fabric of **time and space** itself.
Creation also extends beyond the physical realm. It encompasses **spiritual realities** that some people believe in, such as angels or other non-material beings. Whether these spiritual entities exist is a matter of faith for many, but in the doctrine of creation, they are considered part of the reality that God has brought into being.

Abstract Objects: Do They Exist?

An interesting aspect of this discussion revolves around the existence of **abstract objects**. These are entities that are not physical or spiritual but are considered by some philosophers to be real in their own way. Examples of abstract objects include **numbers**, **mathematical propositions**, and **logical principles**. While we may not be able to touch or observe these things directly, they play an essential role in our understanding of reality.
Some philosophers argue that abstract objects, such as **mathematical truths** and **laws of logic**, exist independently of God. However, others believe that even these abstract concepts are grounded in the **mind of God**. This means that **logic, mathematics, and even causation** exist because they are a reflection of God’s thoughts. In this view, **God is the ultimate foundation** for not only physical and spiritual realities but also the abstract principles that govern our understanding of the world.

Does Everything Exist? The Case of Fictional Entities

While discussing existence, it’s important to differentiate between **things that truly exist** and those that do not. Take, for example, **fictional entities** like **Sherlock Holmes**. Holmes is a character created by the writer Arthur Conan Doyle, but does he actually exist? Most would agree that Sherlock Holmes does not exist as a real person. However, some philosophers might argue that he exists as a type of **abstract object**—a character in the realm of fiction.
But from the perspective of the **doctrine of creation**, **fictional characters** like Sherlock Holmes are not considered part of reality in the same way that concrete or abstract objects are. **God did not bring Sherlock Holmes into being**; instead, his existence is the result of human imagination. Therefore, only things that genuinely exist—whether physical, spiritual, or abstract—are believed to owe their being to God.

The Beginning of Time and Space

An essential component of creation is the idea that **God brought everything into being at a specific point in time**. This implies that **the universe and everything within it has not always existed**. While God is eternal and exists outside of time, the **physical universe** and the **realm of time and space** had a beginning. This marks a fundamental distinction between **God** and His creation: while **God is timeless and uncreated**, everything else is dependent on Him for its existence.
This temporal aspect of creation often confuses people. Many assume that the universe has always existed, or that time and space are eternal. However, according to the **doctrine of creation**, everything we know—**time, space, and matter**—was brought into existence by God. Before this act of creation, there was nothing but God Himself.

Creation and Dependency

One important thing to understand is that **creation is inherently dependent on God**. The physical objects we see, the spiritual beings we believe in, and the abstract truths we study all **owe their existence to God**. This relationship of dependency is central to the **doctrine of creation**. Without God’s creative action, nothing apart from Him would exist.
In this sense, **creation is not just a one-time event**. It is an ongoing process in which God continues to sustain everything He has brought into existence. Just as He was responsible for the initial act of creation, He is also responsible for maintaining the continued existence of the universe. **Without God’s will**, nothing could exist or continue to exist.

God and the Concept of Reality

So, what does it mean to say that **God is the creator of everything**? It means that **everything outside of God owes its existence to Him**. This includes not just the physical world we can see and touch but also the **spiritual and abstract dimensions** of reality. **God is responsible** for bringing everything into being, whether it’s the stars in the sky or the mathematical principles that govern them.
Even more importantly, this concept highlights the idea that **creation is not eternal**. The universe, time, and space all had a beginning, and that beginning came from **God’s creative action**. As the source of all existence, God is the foundation of everything we understand about reality.

Conclusion: A Personal Reflection on Creation

Reflecting on the nature of creation and existence, I am reminded of how vast and complex the idea of **God as Creator** truly is. It encompasses not only the physical universe but also the **spiritual and abstract realms**. Everything outside of God—whether it’s something as tangible as a mountain or as conceptual as a mathematical theorem—**owes its existence to Him**.
This exploration of creation encourages us to think more deeply about the nature of reality and the role God plays in sustaining everything. If you find these ideas as intriguing as I do, I recommend watching this insightful video that explores the topic in greater detail: William Lane Craig – What Things Really Exist?.